Beyond the Mat

Building character through wrestling


Our dynamic youth program offers an immersive and transformative experience through travel, enabling athletes to undergo significant social development. With round-the-clock engagement, we employ a diverse range of teaching methods, from formal workshops to experiential education, modeling, and empowering presentations at various schools and age groups. Our enriching field trips encompass cultural events, museums, science centers, universities, horseback riding, hiking, and more, fostering ongoing discussions and reflections. Wrestlers are encouraged to maintain journals and engage openly in conversations about their aspirations, apprehensions, and objectives. Ultimately, our program employs wrestling as a powerful medium to cultivate resilience, confidence, teamwork, leadership, advocacy skills, and robust social development.


  • Participants develop the ability to overcome challenges and setbacks, both on and off the mat, cultivating mental strength and perseverance.

  • Through experiential learning and positive reinforcement, athletes gain self-assurance, believing in their capabilities and potential.

  • Collaborative activities and shared experiences during travel foster strong bonds, encouraging athletes to work cohesively and support one another.

  • Opportunities for presentations and discussions empower participants to lead and inspire, honing their leadership abilities.

  • Engaging in dialogues and field trips equips athletes with communication skills to advocate for themselves and their community.

  • Continuous interactions, discussions, and reflections promote self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication.

  • Exposure to diverse cultural events and activities fosters an understanding and appreciation of different perspectives.

  • Wrestlers' journaling and open conversations contribute to a clearer understanding of personal aspirations and strategies to achieve them.

  • Practical experiences during field trips, such as horseback riding and hiking, cultivate adaptability and a broader skill set.

  • The integration of wrestling as a medium catalyzes holistic growth, enabling athletes to thrive academically, socially, and personally.